House Design Plan Purchase (7 Sets of Blueprint Signed & Sealed) - P65,000.00
Construction Contract - P 4.8M Low-End/Budget
P 5.8M Mid-Range/Standard
P 6.8M High-End/Custom

MODEL ELSA STRIPE: Make an Initial DEPOSIT to BUY the Complete Plan Set of this Model
Complete Plan Blueprint Set of this Model - P65,000.00 Signed & Sealed. Balance after this payment will be billed as design work progresses.
Description: MODEL ELSA STRIPE - 2 STOREY SINGLE DETACHED - 177.50 sq.m. – (Minimun LOT REQUIREMENT- 10M X 15M = 150 SQ.M.)
(4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Car Garage, 2 Living Area, 1 Dining, Kitchen, Balcony and Laundry Area & LANAI)